• +977 9820756608
  • biratnagardps@gmail.com
  • DPS, Biratnagar-05

Our Facilities

Hostel Facilities

Hostel facilities is available to students from grade KG to Class 12. The hostel has distinct wing in accordance with the age and gender. Hostel is conveniently located in the school boundary and provided with all amenities for comfortable living.

Cafeteria Services

Our cafeteria has a capacity of over 600 students and provide hygienic and healthy food to all the students and their staff. Our school cafeteria is well equipped. Students can buy the kind of snacks prepared according to the cafeteria food menu which are prepared in very hygienic surrounding by our school cooks, and tables to sit on and eat.

There are notice boards where students get to know the cafeteria menu. There is also a separate enclosure for teacher.


Students with minor ailments and injuries are treated in the school infirmary by qualified nurses. In case of serious injuries or illness, students are admitted to the nearest hospital and parents are informed immediately. Payment for any kind of treatment attended outside the school infirmary has to be made by the parents themselves.

Safety at School

Everyone in school share the responsibility for maintaining a safe and orderly environment and ensuring that every reasonable precaution is taken to safeguard the health and safety of all person in the building.

Periodic checks of the building are made by the staff safety officers and any defect or matters of concern is dealt with as appropriate.

School Bus Services

1. The school provides transport facilities to day-scholars as mentioned in the admission form. Children should be escorted to the notified bus stop and handed to the school staff. The escort should be present at the bus stop to receive the child after the classes are over.

2. Every student is required to possess a bus id card which must be visible and worn around the neck at the time of boarding the bus, entering the school campus and while attending the evening assembly before boarding the bus.

3. Students misusing the facility or showing indiscipline in any manner in the bus will be barred from the service and parents will have to make their own private arrangements.

4. Parents must inform the concerned transport incharge and account head well in advance in written application, if a child is to discontinue with the transportation service.

5. Parents must inform the transportation incharge well in advance, if a child is to be picked by the parents/guardian for any reason.

6. Students are not permitted to change buses without written application from a parents and without clearance from the transportation incharge.

7. Students are not permitted to drive vehicle of any kind to school or on return. Those who do not use the school bus may be brought to the school by their parents or guardian by any means of transportation but the Walker’s id card must be worn around the neck. All the Walking students must wear the walkers id card while entering and leaving the school.